Sunday, March 6, 2016

Salted Egg Potato Chips Recipe

Today I am going to introduce you the SALTED EGG POTATO CHIPS that are very popular recently. Many of my friends asked for the recipe, it is not easy to find from the internet, so I am sharing here today. :)

Ingredients are easy to get and simple, refer below:

1) Potato Chips - 1 packet (I am using Calbee brand, original flavour)
2) Butter - 2 tablespoons
3) Curry Leaves - 30 pieces
4) Chili Padi - 1 piece
5) Salted Duck Eggs - 4

1) Separate the salted duck egg yolks and egg white, we only need the egg yolks.
2) Steam the egg yolks, for around 10 to 15 minutes.

3) Smash the egg yolks and put aside.
4) Heat up the pan, turn the fire to low, add in the butter.

5) After the butter is melted, add in curry leaves and chili padi, cook till fragrant.

6) Add in the smashed egg yolks, cook till bubbling.

7) Turn off the fire, add in the potato chips, mix the egg yolks and potato chips, make sure every piece is coated with egg yolk.

We are done with this salted egg potato chips! Isn't it very easy?

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